diumenge, 6 de febrer del 2011

Parc de la Ciutadella

By Anastasia Macovei

My favourite place in Barcelona is the Parc de la Ciutadella, which for a long time was the only park in the city. It is a public park near the Estació de França, the Arc del Triomf, the Vila Olímpica, Pujades Avenue, Picasso Avenue and Wellington Street. This park has 17.42 hectares. Nowadays the Parc de la Ciutadella is one of the biggest parks in Barcelona. Barcelona’s zoo is inside it, and there are also some buildings constructed for the 1888 Exhibition, such as the Geology and Zoology museums.

The park has areas for walking, a lake and a waterfall. There are a lot of exotic plants and aquatic animals in the lake and you also can row in a boat. The Romantic Garden, with a big variety of vegetal species, is next to the waterfall.

In this park you can find famous sculptures too: “The Desconsol”, created by Josep Llimona in 1907, the Monument to General Prim, created by Lluís Puiggener in 1887 (it was broken during the Civil War and the sculpture was recreated by Frederic Marès in 1940), the Monument to Bonaventura Carles Aribau, created by Manel Fuxà in 1884, the Monument to Walt Disney, created by Núria Tortras in 1969 and “Mamut”, created by Miguel Dalmau in 1907.

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