diumenge, 6 de febrer del 2011


By Xaviera Finestres and Marta Huertas

Alternative tourism is an alternative to conventional tourism. If you like travelling, knowing different cultures, enjoying ecology and landscape, alternative tourism is for you.

This tourism has become a new way of enjoying free time. The contact with nature, the peace of the landscape and rugged terrain make visitors understand the world around them in a different way and they also rediscover themselves.

It is a type of tourism that respects nature, it is based on a new attitude towards the environment. These tourists preserve it and they value things that seem unimportant in everyday life. Alternative tourism is a combination of nature tourism, adventure tourism, ethnological tourism, mystical tourism, etc.

Alternative tourism encourages tourists to participate in activities taking place in the local communities of exotic countries that have very different customs from ours. For example, they can participate in farm work. The important thing about this alternative way of tourism is that tourists come into contact with nature and have a good time with their family and friends, or on their own.

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